Blurb Restores Photography to Reality

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September 2015

1/3200th @ f/2.0
ISO 100
Canon EOS 5DS R

Every year Ewen runs a handful of unique and marvellous tours and workshops. Find out more about what tours are coming up and how to book.

Photo Tours with Ewen

Blurb Restores Photography to Reality
Blurb has been a wonderful development for me because now I can see more of my photographic expression converted to the printed media for which cameras were originally intended. The digital age has made photography more relevant and more accessible, but Blurb and other sites like it have returned digital photography to the essence of the art - sharing a printed image.

The Photography Blog

Is a photograph real until it has been printed?

There's something tragic about photos that never leave your hard-disk. Thousands of moments preserved in digital form but trapped forever inside magnetic media. All those ghosts are frozen in silence, holding their breath with anticipation for a future that may never exist. File after file of photographic tragedy.

I want my photos to exist, for real.

Ironically the digital revolution in photography has made this more possible and easier than ever. Blurb, Momento, Lily and lots of other "print on demand" solutions have finally brought the camera full circle. Digital is good.

I try to make a point of producing a printed book/albumn of all my major trips. Why spend the time and money?

1. It helps me to appreciate what I have on my computer.

2. It helps my clients to appreciate what I just sent them on a disc.

3. The process of review and selection makes me more critical of my images and helps me to isolate areas in which I need to improve my shot selection for future commissions.

4. I love showing off a book of images to people when they come around. Loading a slideshow onto the television or computer is kinda naff, and websites are fundamentally "low-res" and lack that personal reflection.

A book is a book, you cant beat that.

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