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The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog

Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”

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The Photography Blog

How to get more people visiting your photographic website

How to get more people visiting your photographic website

Shooting lovely photographs is really the easy bit, it's getting people to see them on your website that is really hard. The best way to increase traffic to your website is to write an article on how to increase traffic to your website.

Life Without The Algorithm

Life Without The Algorithm

There's more to photography than being popular. Being genuine counts for something too. In the new frontier of the Fediverse the focus is on enjoying your craft instead of being crafted by the algorithm.

What Did We Learn From An Aurora Storm

What Did We Learn From An Aurora Storm

Once in twenty year event rocked the planet this week, creating a moment of opportunity to get out and capture auroras that would normally be out of reach. And for regular aurora chasers a chance to share the joy with a lot more of the planet than usual.

Panning for Gold in Kathmandu

Panning for Gold in Kathmandu

Panning is a simple way to kill an afternoon and make yourself exhausted. The concept is pretty simple: you use a slow shutter speed like 1/30 of a second to separate a moving object from a chaotic background. Hundreds of your shots will be useless. A rare few will be perfection. Those are the ones you show your friends.

Sunbirds in the Carpark

Sunbirds in the Carpark

If your goal is to catch great photos of birds, your best opportunities might be easier to access than you imagined.