
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
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Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

The Photographic Paradox

The Photographic Paradox

Each photograph is a stepping stone on a journey. We think of photography as freezing time and capturing the moment. But what are we really holding onto and where do all those pixels end their journey?

What An Image Should Be

What An Image Should Be

How do you know what processing an image needs? I get asked this a lot. “What should I do to make this image better”. The problem is, that depends on what constitutes your idea of better! The answer lies in you, not the pixels.

Nikon D600 Review

Nikon D600 Review

Professional image quality in a budget package. In many ways the D600 is better than the D800, it's the camera a lot of Nikon owners have been waiting for.

Why Size Matters

Why Size Matters

Why does size matter when comparing image quality and will it make you a better photographer? The number of pixels and the physical dimensions of the sensor they're stuffed into can impact your final image in more ways than one.