About Feeling Good

Joy of Tashi

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October 2024

LUMIX S 18/F1.8
1/2000th @ f/2.0
ISO 100
Lumix DC-S5M2

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About Feeling Good
Today we got some great news as we begin our journey towards funding the Tashi project. A generous donation from someone that helps to plug a few gaps in the budget, but also just makes us feel like we're on the right path.

Three Weeks To Go

Good news today for the Tashi team, with a very kind donation towards the project. We've only just started to get serious about looking for support to fill the gaps, and we're all feeling a little anxious about the money side of things.

I'm supposed to be working on the scripts this month and pushing through the creative side of the project, but in reality most of my time has been spent putting web pages together and trying to work out why it costs $3200 to add a second bag to our luggage allowance. Reality can be a real downer when working in a creative field.

Today was one of those days when I really needed a little good news, and then I got it. Now we get to tick off a few large items from the spreadsheet, and in particular it gives us the green light to go ahead with bigger lighting rigs on our interview days. This means less risk when we come to such a critical part of capturing the story. Our entire goal over the coming months is make sure we capture something really wonderful, and at a standard that will make it compelling for streaming services to give it a run.

We want the world to meet Tashi, and to enjoy a few hours of feeling good about the capacity of humans to share their kindness. And to enjoy a little of the Himalayas too of course!

These donations help us to feel good right now though. They help us to keep moving forward and feel like we're on a path to doing something worthwhile. So once again let me say thank you to all the people who have helped us get this far, and those who are just coming on board now to take us to the finish line.

– Ewen

Joy of Tashi

The story of a young monk in Nepal, on a journey to discover where photography and Buddhism come together.

Meet Tashi

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This feature was last updated on Tuesday 25th February 2025
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