I live in the heart of Melbourne CBD, literally 100m from Flinders Street Station. One of the joys of living here are the excellent nearby parklands and a chance to see so many bird species so close to the city. In the case of the cockatoos, they're often right inside the city laneways!
The City of Melbourne is holding a special event in November to help educate people on the Superb Fairy-wrens, and get citizens involved in collecting data on sightings. They're running guided walks with naturalists, and have some special weekend events to help young children get acquainted with the birds too.
I'll be running two events as part of #WrenFest. On the evening of Nov 18 at 6:30pm I will walk through a presentation on getting started with bird photography. It's more about birds than cameras, but it'll be open for discussion if you have more detailed questions at the end. I'll also be doing a photo walk on Nov 27 at 8am for locals who want to join me in Royal park to meet some of our feathered friends.
Drop me a line if you want to know more. These events are free and the photography 101 talk can be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home! If you want to join in from far away time zones, maybe drop me an email so I can hook you up with a Google invite that will ensure you have the correct local time :)
There's some very nice naturalists behind all this stuff who care a lot about the fauna and flora in our parks, so join in the event and find out a little more about their work and how you can contribute to keeping a nurturing eye on the wrens!
Booking details are available here:
This is the WrenFest page on the City of Melbourne website:

(Royal Park, Melbourne)

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