Be Your Best Tours

The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog

Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”

Be Your Best Tours

The Photography Blog

Doing Our Best

Doing Our Best

Be Your Best Tours is the natural evolution of my experience in travel. Since 2004 I've been designing and delivering photographic journeys to discerning travellers. Now it's time to make room for people who are happy to leave the camera at home.

China Like No Other

China Like No Other

A decade of travelling to China with camera in hand finishes this year. I have been fortunate to enjoy so much of "Old China", so much so that I'm finding it difficult to embrace the new version. All good things must come to an end.

The Best Photo Tour in the World

The Best Photo Tour in the World

I was recently asked to review a few photo tours run by other companies, and I was amazed at what I found. Crowded tours, poorly researched itineraries and part-time enthusiasts posing as professionals. It's hard enough to decide whether a group tour experience is suitable for you, so here's a few suggestions to help you pick a winner.

Covid and Travel

Covid and Travel

Expectations of a return to international travel are giving many of us something to look forward to. Myself included. As a professional guide however, the reality of travelling in a covid filled world poses a whole new challenge.