
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog

Photographic Field Guides
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Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Butterflies in Bhutan

Butterflies in Bhutan

I'm going to miss Bhutan when I head home, but this time for the most tiny of reasons. The butterflies. Having a few days to step into their miniature world of scaly wings and hairy heads has been an absolute joy.

Transforming Your Photography

Transforming Your Photography

We're talking about how photography can transform a moment, transform the subject, and even transform ourselves. With a little inspiration from Bhutan and the Himalayas we walk through a range of ideas you can focus on to move your photography forward.

S-E100 F2.8 Macro for L-Mount

S-E100 F2.8 Macro for L-Mount

The S-E100 F2.8 Macro lens for L-Mount has just been released by LUMIX, and it’s very different to anything I’ve used on a mirrorless system before. It’s a super compact lens for super small subjects, but delivers super-sized performance and in particular the Autofocus is on a whole other level.

Heading North of Hanoi

Heading North of Hanoi

It's all about the rice. Rural life in Northern Vietnam is heavily focused on the production of rice grain, but there's more going on around the paddies than just planting and the harvest. Ethnic diversity and the history of a nation are a part of the landscape too.

20mm is the new 24mm

20mm is the new 24mm

20mm is now far more common than ever for both primes and zooms, but is 18mm the better option for photographers? And why even bother with 24mm? When shooting wider than wide does it make a difference to buy an extra few mm of perspective?