
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Putting a Price on It

Putting a Price on It

Knowing what your work is worth is half the battle. It's more important to appreciate the value of those around you instead.

Photography is My Family

Photography is My Family

Someone recently commented to me, “I don’t know how you do it all!” Which seemed kind of funny because most of the time I feel like I’m not doing nearly enough. I’m also aware how lucky I am to have the luxury of dedicating myself to my photography in a way that not everyone can. It’s not that I don’t have time for friends and family, it's just that photography IS my family.

Blurb Restores Photography to Reality

Blurb Restores Photography to Reality

Blurb has been a wonderful development for me because now I can see more of my photographic expression converted to the printed media for which cameras were originally intended. The digital age has made photography more relevant and more accessible, but Blurb and other sites like it have returned digital photography to the essence of the art - sharing a printed image.

Gear is good - Vision is better

Gear is good - Vision is better

Wise words from David du Chemin have made this website something of a success story. David's nuggets of wisdom are liberally sprinkled across the PixelatedImage Blog, along with PDF e-books priced at just $5 each.

Creatively Valued

Creatively Valued

Most of the time our clients are wonderful people to work with, because we're helping each other to get where we need to be. But sometimes you end up with a client who actually doesn't value your work at all, and that's a problem in more ways than you might imagine.

The Joy of Music

The Joy of Music

Sitting on my phone was a recording I made of a blessing, which turned out to have a lot of the essential mood that I was looking for. That solved my immediate 30 seconds, but looking ahead we're going to need a little more depth.

Don't Jump

Don't Jump

A friend of mine was thinking of jumping ship recently, sending overboard his dreams of professional photography in favour of other challenges and loves. His experience gave me pause to consider why we take photos at all, and what can better motivate our creative work.

Talent is not enough

Talent is not enough

What hurdles are in your path to becoming the best photographer you can be? What opportunities exist for you to get over those hurdles? When is the right time to make the jump? Are you helping to make someone else’s day a little bit better?

Why Is More Important Than How

Why Is More Important Than How

Sometimes we focus too much on the style and not enough on substance. What motivates us to capture images is far important than the camera itself.



Working in a freelance career offers you an ocean of opportunity, but can equally erode your sense of belonging. Being part of something greater than yourself is not something you want to avoid as a freelancer, in fact it is essential to your success.

Cooked the Books

Cooked the Books

Each year Shellie designs a unique menu for our food photography workshop, and then publishes the recipes online for everyone to enjoy. Even if you didn't make it to this years event, you can still get a taste of our workshops in your own kitchen.