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September 2015

1/3200th @ f/2.0
ISO 100
Canon EOS 5DS R


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Gear is good - Vision is better
Wise words from David du Chemin have made this website something of a success story. David's nuggets of wisdom are liberally sprinkled across the PixelatedImage Blog, along with PDF e-books priced at just $5 each.

The Photography Blog

David's website has created something of an online storm by presenting good information and presenting it well. He offers advice on everything to do with professional photography, from dealing with clients to designing a business card. His best work is not just for struggling artists, but is useful for any professional or amateur photographer.

They are the e-books.

For $5 you can download a title such as "The Inspired Eye", "Ten Ways To Improve Your Craft. None of Them Involves Buying Gear", and "Chasing The Look
10 Ways to Improve The Aesthetics of Your Photographs."

You can tell the emphasis is on your creative process rather than technical operation of the camera. Yes, I'm on that soapbox once again telling everyone to throw away the instruction manual. Well, maybe don't toss it in the trash, but save your intellectual capacity for creative expression and delve into the technical issues when needed. Too many photographers, experts and novices alike, are obsessed with specifications and rules.

Photography is art, whether you want to admit this or not. Documentary is art too, because the perspectives of the person behind the camera are revealed by the image itself. How you shoot should be dictated by why you shoot.

His e-book title "The Inspired Eye" is one I'd recommend for anyone. Myself included. It attempts to give advice on how to capture a little of your own creativity. A few of the elements presented are...

1. Creativity is hard work
2. It demands skills rather than tools
3. Try widening your inputs to change your outputs
4. Stay focused on the positives to stay creative
5. Allow yourself to make mistakes

So go spend $5 on an e-book. I did.

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This feature was last updated on Sunday 06th December 2009
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