Feathers of the Dragon

The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
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Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”

Feathers of the Dragon

The Photography Blog

Behind the Feathers

Behind the Feathers

I started trying to write a thankyou list for all the people who helped make the "Feathers of the Dragon" exhibition possible, and was quickly overwhelmed by how connected the world really is. Both the world of galleries with their images on the wall, and the world of wild spaces where birds exist in harmony with the Himalayan mountains. Apologies in advance that it took 1800 words to say my THANKS.

The Mistletoebird

The Mistletoebird

Meet the Mistletoebird, a very small but quite amazing little song bird.

See What I See

See What I See

Introducing my new series of streaming videos you can enjoy at home, and see what I see after taking a walk in the park with camera in hand. See what I see as I walk through the images on my desktop and extract precious moments from the RAW files.

Quiet Moments with a Thunder Dragon

Quiet Moments with a Thunder Dragon

The people of Bhutan refer to their nation as the land of the Thunder Dragon, a title that evokes images of fire breathing monsters and villages fleeing from destruction. The reality is something far more peaceful.