Machine Learning

The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”

Machine Learning

The Photography Blog

Do You Care About AI

Do You Care About AI

The fundamental differences between machine learning and human artistic expression is not something you can teach. It's something you have to experience. That's always going to be the bridge that AI cannot cross.

Getting Out of Struggle Town

Getting Out of Struggle Town

Even professionals get stuck in a rut sometimes, but with the benefit of a little inspiration we often find our way out again. On my latest journey through Nepal I found an old tool that helped me see things in a new way.

Learning To See

Learning To See

Capturing in B+W is not merely about getting a better handle on light and dark. Given a chance it can drag you much deeper into the entire point of photography as an art form.

Stillness of the Mind

Stillness of the Mind

Stillness of mind is not merely about focusing your attention to the task at hand, it's about allowing your creative energy to flow unimpeded and to allow your life to be experienced in full. This moment right here is all that exists, now is all we have.

What Is A Photographer

What Is A Photographer

When so much of our lives exist in the digital landscape, what does it mean to be a photographer these days and does it matter if your work is never finding its way into a physically printed form?