“Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”
The Photography Blog
The Photographic Paradox
Each photograph is a stepping stone on a journey. We think of photography as freezing time and capturing the moment. But what are we really holding onto and where do all those pixels end their journey?
See What I See
Introducing my new series of streaming videos you can enjoy at home, and see what I see after taking a walk in the park with camera in hand. See what I see as I walk through the images on my desktop and extract precious moments from the RAW files.
My Pocket Full of Stars
Capturing those moments that are rare, and making them last forever.
Learning To See
Capturing in B+W is not merely about getting a better handle on light and dark. Given a chance it can drag you much deeper into the entire point of photography as an art form.
Quiet Moments with a Thunder Dragon
The people of Bhutan refer to their nation as the land of the Thunder Dragon, a title that evokes images of fire breathing monsters and villages fleeing from destruction. The reality is something far more peaceful.
Blurb Restores Photography to Reality
Blurb has been a wonderful development for me because now I can see more of my photographic expression converted to the printed media for which cameras were originally intended. The digital age has made photography more relevant and more accessible, but Blurb and other sites like it have returned digital photography to the essence of the art - sharing a printed image.
Many Beginnings
Our first blog post from behind the scenes on our journey with Tashi to make a series about photography in the Himalayas. This is how it all began.
Get Closer
The most recurring theme for a travel photographer is to seek to understand something about your subject before you photograph it. The first step is towards understanding is physically getting closer to your subject.
Stay Inspired
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