
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
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Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

What An Image Should Be

What An Image Should Be

How do you know what processing an image needs? I get asked this a lot. “What should I do to make this image better”. The problem is, that depends on what constitutes your idea of better! The answer lies in you, not the pixels.

Half The Job

Half The Job

Taking a photo is only half the job. The other half is editing them. Join me on a visit to temples in the Annapurna Ranges and a chat about the creative potential and learning potential when editing your RAW files.

Capture One Turns Five

Capture One Turns Five

It often surprises my travellers to learn that I don't use Lightroom to process my RAW files. I don't use Aperture either. My choice might seem eclectic at first but my loyalty to Capture One has rewarded me many times over. Find out how.

Learning to Love the Digital Darkroom

Learning to Love the Digital Darkroom

Not spending a little time processing your photos is the modern equivalent to collecting a bunch of prints from the chemist. If you’re not committing to process those RAW files then you’re only exploring half of their creative potential. The digital darkroom is where a world of possible interpretations can be brought to life.

Anything But Now

Anything But Now

The problem with living the life of a photographer is that you so rarely get a chance to live in the now. Everything is past or present and very little in between.