Sony Alpha-35

The Photography Blog

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Sony Alpha-35

The Photography Blog

Sonys Translucent Future

Sonys Translucent Future

Is the SLT concept really going to change digital photography forever, or will it be another evolutionary dead end from Japan's top tech innovator?

Sony ZV-E1 And Android

Sony ZV-E1 And Android

If you're having trouble getting the "Creators' App" on your Android phone to connect to the Sony ZV-E1, you're not alone. Here's a very short post on what worked for me to finally get the app talking to the camera over Bluetooth.

Why Size Matters

Why Size Matters

Why does size matter when comparing image quality and will it make you a better photographer? The number of pixels and the physical dimensions of the sensor they're stuffed into can impact your final image in more ways than one.