Flinders Ranges

Outback / South Australia / Australia

September 2015

1/250th @ f/8.0
ISO 250
Canon EOS 5DS R

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Flinders Ranges

Outback / South Australia / Australia
80 images

Hard to believe that all these images were taken over the space of four days. I've been shooting the Flinders Ranges for many years, and some of the locals have been at me to run a photo tour here all that time. So finally I did. With the help of Ian Rolfe we gathered a group of eager photographers and put together one of the best photography workshops ever. Nothing fancy, just stunning sunsets, sunrises and magnificent scenery. Big thanks to the folks in Parachilna for making this trip so wonderful.

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Behind The Scenes

Wanna know more about this workshop? We're running it again in 2017 and you can download a nice chunky PDF here...


Ewen's Photography Book

"ReIMAGINE" is now available to order online.
It's a very big and very generous book that will help you to reconnect with your creative side.


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