
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog

Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Gear is good - Vision is better

Gear is good - Vision is better

Wise words from David du Chemin have made this website something of a success story. David's nuggets of wisdom are liberally sprinkled across the PixelatedImage Blog, along with PDF e-books priced at just $5 each.

The Tao of Photography

The Tao of Photography

Will the real Confucian author please stand up? This wonderful title has been borrowed, copied and stolen by more people than Google knows what to do with. There are two stand out books sharing the same title that are truly worthy of contemplation however.

Andris Envy

Andris Envy

The world is full of talented photographers but every now and then you see something that makes you truly humble. The limited edition trilogy of Fiordland books presented by Andris Apse is a unique offering filled with remarkable images. It also costs more than my 70-200mm lens.

Blurb Restores Photography to Reality

Blurb Restores Photography to Reality

Blurb has been a wonderful development for me because now I can see more of my photographic expression converted to the printed media for which cameras were originally intended. The digital age has made photography more relevant and more accessible, but Blurb and other sites like it have returned digital photography to the essence of the art - sharing a printed image.