
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Self Success

Self Success

Most of us fear success. We are terrified of how it might change or lives and or responsibilities. But how much success do we really need to achieve happiness in our careers?

Last Minute Workshop

Last Minute Workshop

The recent lockdowns have caused havoc with our workshop schedule, but that might be good news if you're looking for a last minute slot on a truly wonderful workshop experience :) My brand new workshop concept is called "CHANGE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY" and the name says it all.

Seeing the World of Beauty

Seeing the World of Beauty

I'd rather immerse myself in what makes the world lovely instead of what makes me sad. Any day of the year is a good day for this.

Don't Jump

Don't Jump

A friend of mine was thinking of jumping ship recently, sending overboard his dreams of professional photography in favour of other challenges and loves. His experience gave me pause to consider why we take photos at all, and what can better motivate our creative work.



Working in a freelance career offers you an ocean of opportunity, but can equally erode your sense of belonging. Being part of something greater than yourself is not something you want to avoid as a freelancer, in fact it is essential to your success.

Ballarat International Foto Biennale 2013

Ballarat International Foto Biennale 2013

This weekend one of Australia's biggest photography festivals opened in Ballarat, and there's much more going on than just photos on a wall. It celebrates careers, reflects on lifetimes, encourages creative process and critiques aspirations while leaving room for emerging innovation.

Every Little Step

Every Little Step

Every little step you make towards enriching the world we live in is worth while. You may not feel like you’re having a huge impact, but don’t stop trying.