
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
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The Photography Blog

Auroras vs Shorts

Auroras vs Shorts

I'll never forget that night standing out in my shorts and capturing auroras. I never expected that to happen in my home state of Victoria. And it's given me that hunger to get back to Arctic Norway and chase some serious photography.

Love is a Lens

Love is a Lens

Can you truly love your photography if you don't love your camera? It's the lenses I truly love however, that's where the character comes from.

What Did We Learn From An Aurora Storm

What Did We Learn From An Aurora Storm

Once in twenty year event rocked the planet this week, creating a moment of opportunity to get out and capture auroras that would normally be out of reach. And for regular aurora chasers a chance to share the joy with a lot more of the planet than usual.

Snow and Light in Norway

Snow and Light in Norway

Snow hides everything you don’t want to see. It silently arrives in the depth of night and fills in the gaps, wipes away the footsteps from yesterdays photographers and leaves you a clean slate to work with every morning. Snow clones out the messy bits better than any Photoshop session.

Camping with the Llamas

Camping with the Llamas

The Lares Trail is the most recent alternative to the Inca Trail, taking in the scenic altitudes north of Olantaytambo. It doesn't walk you into Machu Picchu with dawn views of the Sun Gate, but it does get you amongst the rugged ranges of the Andes to meet remote villagers and their farms. Trekkers can expect all the llamas you could ever want and maybe a few you didn't.