Royal Penguins

The Photography Blog

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Royal Penguins

The Photography Blog

Life on the Ice

Life on the Ice

Contrary to what you may have seen at the movies there are very few penguins that dance or sing, but Antarctica can boast over 10 million that squawk, waddle and bicker.

WrenFest in the City of Melbourne

WrenFest in the City of Melbourne

November is #WrenFest in the City of Melbourne, an event to help researchers attract support for identifying and submitting sightings of the Superb Fairy-wren in our urban parklands. I'll be running an online photography presentation that is open to anyone who wants to learn a little about birds and cameras, plus a photo walk for those living here in Melbourne.

Graffiti Thai

Graffiti Thai

Street Art is alive and well in Bangkok, offering a new perspective on the contemporary lives of the Thai people. It's also a fascinating opportunity for photographers looking for something besides yet another golden temple.

Western Gerygone

Western Gerygone

Hard bird to pronounce, even harder to photograph. They move so very fast and are so very very small. This feature introduces you to the life of this very little bird and my pursuit of capturing one in flight.

Southerly Connections

Southerly Connections

Spending 12 days at sea to reach the King Penguins of Macquarie Island may not be everybody's idea of a wonderful Christmas. But if you love your photography and love the wildlife of Antarctica then this is a journey of a lifetime.

Why the Ice is so Nice

Why the Ice is so Nice

A few tips on travelling south to Antarctica and how to get the most of your time in the freezer. The penguins are rock stars on such journeys, have no doubt, but it's the ice that makes it so nice in the southern polar regions.