Seeing the World of Beauty
I'd rather immerse myself in what makes the world lovely instead of what makes me sad. Any day of the year is a good day for this.
Swimming not Drifting
As the world changes around us, we need to decide if we are ready for change too.
Eyes Wide Open
Sometimes the failures of our fellow travellers can become an inspiration to making our own journeys more fulfilling.
Putting a Price on It
Knowing what your work is worth is half the battle. It's more important to appreciate the value of those around you instead.
My Pocket Full of Stars
Capturing those moments that are rare, and making them last forever.
Anything But Now
The problem with living the life of a photographer is that you so rarely get a chance to live in the now. Everything is past or present and very little in between.
The Original
Taking a photo is literally the act of copying an original. My career is a little like that too, I owe everything to somebody. Today I’m digging a little deeper and practising some gratitude for the community around me that has made my world a wonderfully creative place.
Talent is not enough
What hurdles are in your path to becoming the best photographer you can be? What opportunities exist for you to get over those hurdles? When is the right time to make the jump? Are you helping to make someone else’s day a little bit better?
Sharing the moment with Tim
I want to share a few words of appreciation for a fellow traveller, just one of many lovely people who help to make these journeys a little bit more special.
Team Touit
Three lenses from the Zeiss factory offer professional grade fast primes for APS-C sized interchangeable formats.
Introverted and Inspired
There are three kinds of people in the world. Introverts, extroverts and photographers. How does your personality impact on your exploration of the world through a camera?
The Meaning of No
The hardest part of being a freelancer is dealing with the rejection. No matter how well you manage to turn your work into a business, the sting of being told "sorry we don't want you" is never something you learn to enjoy.