Sub-Antarctic Islands

The Photography Blog

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Sub-Antarctic Islands

The Photography Blog

Expedition Photography Workshops

Expedition Photography Workshops

I’m changing my mix of photography tours and workshops. From 2024, I’m going to be adding a really big ship into the mix. A very lovely big boat that specialises in expedition cruising, and creating unique opportunities for people who love their photography.

Life on the Ice

Life on the Ice

Contrary to what you may have seen at the movies there are very few penguins that dance or sing, but Antarctica can boast over 10 million that squawk, waddle and bicker.

Cruising for Albatross

Cruising for Albatross

A few days sailing the Southern Ocean is a journey that at first glance holds few photographic opportunities. But even in open waters the company of sea-birds and a reasonable telephoto lens can provide rich inspiration to the creative photographer.

Why the Ice is so Nice

Why the Ice is so Nice

A few tips on travelling south to Antarctica and how to get the most of your time in the freezer. The penguins are rock stars on such journeys, have no doubt, but it's the ice that makes it so nice in the southern polar regions.

Southerly Connections

Southerly Connections

Spending 12 days at sea to reach the King Penguins of Macquarie Island may not be everybody's idea of a wonderful Christmas. But if you love your photography and love the wildlife of Antarctica then this is a journey of a lifetime.

Take More Photos

Take More Photos

Simple enough advice. There are three reasons we stop ourselves from shooting more frames as we travel than we might otherwise. When you look more closely there is usually just one reason, and it can make a big difference to how quickly you develop your craft.