
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog

Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Andris Envy

Andris Envy

The world is full of talented photographers but every now and then you see something that makes you truly humble. The limited edition trilogy of Fiordland books presented by Andris Apse is a unique offering filled with remarkable images. It also costs more than my 70-200mm lens.

The Photographic Paradox

The Photographic Paradox

Each photograph is a stepping stone on a journey. We think of photography as freezing time and capturing the moment. But what are we really holding onto and where do all those pixels end their journey?

Why Competitions Suck

Why Competitions Suck

There are two things in the world of photography I really hate. Weddings and competitions. At least with a wedding shoot you might get paid at the end of it, which therefore makes competitions the most evil thing in the world.

Expedition Photography Workshops

Expedition Photography Workshops

I’m changing my mix of photography tours and workshops. From 2024, I’m going to be adding a really big ship into the mix. A very lovely big boat that specialises in expedition cruising, and creating unique opportunities for people who love their photography.

Tshering and His Gift

Tshering and His Gift

That moment when you are reminded of the true value of travel and how deeply it affects us. As I look to the future of travel in Bhutan and the changes ahead for us we are reminded of how treasured it is to share a gift.

The Original

The Original

Taking a photo is literally the act of copying an original. My career is a little like that too, I owe everything to somebody. Today I’m digging a little deeper and practising some gratitude for the community around me that has made my world a wonderfully creative place.

Don't Jump

Don't Jump

A friend of mine was thinking of jumping ship recently, sending overboard his dreams of professional photography in favour of other challenges and loves. His experience gave me pause to consider why we take photos at all, and what can better motivate our creative work.

The Angle of Light

The Angle of Light

Cameras don't photograph objects, they photograph light. The key to shooting images that capture the moment is to let the light guide your photography.

Really Photos

Really Photos

Nothing is as satisfying as seeing your photos printed on paper. They become real. Really real.

20mm is the new 24mm

20mm is the new 24mm

20mm is now far more common than ever for both primes and zooms, but is 18mm the better option for photographers? And why even bother with 24mm? When shooting wider than wide does it make a difference to buy an extra few mm of perspective?

The Treasures of Angkor

The Treasures of Angkor

Millions of tourist visit Angkor Wat every year, and some days it feels like there's a million tourists flooding into the temple just when you were hoping to enjoy a quiet moment with the ancient ruins. Yes this is a popular place, but for photographers it still holds wonderful treasures and immense beauty.

Cooked the Books

Cooked the Books

Each year Shellie designs a unique menu for our food photography workshop, and then publishes the recipes online for everyone to enjoy. Even if you didn't make it to this years event, you can still get a taste of our workshops in your own kitchen.