
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
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Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Wildflower Country

Wildflower Country

This is a wildflower book unlike any other, a photographic essay that makes full use of digital technology to present images that could never have been photographed on film. It's beautifully captured, wonderfully presented and reveals a passionate talent on the part of the authors.

See What I See

See What I See

Introducing my new series of streaming videos you can enjoy at home, and see what I see after taking a walk in the park with camera in hand. See what I see as I walk through the images on my desktop and extract precious moments from the RAW files.

Jambo Tweet Jambo

Jambo Tweet Jambo

Some of the best game drives in Kenya are not actually about Lions and Leopards, but the very small creatures that bounce about between trees and shrubs. It was the bird life in Kenya that really took my breath away on my two week safari in Kenya.

Snow Leopards in Tibet

Snow Leopards in Tibet

"The Velvet Queen" is a movie about much more than photographers and snow leopards. It's a call for all humans to connect with our true nature as creatures of the wild.

Samburu Survival

Samburu Survival

Samburu National Reserve is not as well known as the big African game parks. There are no annual migrations, no balloon rides above the savannas and no eighteen wheeler trucks filled with Spanish overland tourists.