
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

What An Image Should Be

What An Image Should Be

How do you know what processing an image needs? I get asked this a lot. “What should I do to make this image better”. The problem is, that depends on what constitutes your idea of better! The answer lies in you, not the pixels.

Outside Looking In

Outside Looking In

One way to improve your photography is to study the work of other photographers. Another way is to study your own. Rummaging through the collected works of master photographers is not an exercise in distilling the essence of someone else's work, but a chance to learn new ways to express yourself.

Moonlight and Auroras

Moonlight and Auroras

Mixing in the light of the moon can bring a new world of possibilities to your aurora photography.

The Best Photo Tour in the World

The Best Photo Tour in the World

I was recently asked to review a few photo tours run by other companies, and I was amazed at what I found. Crowded tours, poorly researched itineraries and part-time enthusiasts posing as professionals. It's hard enough to decide whether a group tour experience is suitable for you, so here's a few suggestions to help you pick a winner.

Introverted and Inspired

Introverted and Inspired

There are three kinds of people in the world. Introverts, extroverts and photographers. How does your personality impact on your exploration of the world through a camera?

Why Competitions Suck

Why Competitions Suck

There are two things in the world of photography I really hate. Weddings and competitions. At least with a wedding shoot you might get paid at the end of it, which therefore makes competitions the most evil thing in the world.



Landscape photography is a specialisation on its own. A demanding travel schedule puts limits on what you can practically achieve with landscapes, but just one really good image can bring a unique context to your destination set.

Quiet Moments with a Thunder Dragon

Quiet Moments with a Thunder Dragon

The people of Bhutan refer to their nation as the land of the Thunder Dragon, a title that evokes images of fire breathing monsters and villages fleeing from destruction. The reality is something far more peaceful.

Expedition Photography Workshops

Expedition Photography Workshops

I’m changing my mix of photography tours and workshops. From 2024, I’m going to be adding a really big ship into the mix. A very lovely big boat that specialises in expedition cruising, and creating unique opportunities for people who love their photography.

Expedition FAQ

Expedition FAQ

This FAQ is for anyone contemplating joining me on an expedition workshop to explore their photography, and explore some amazing parts of the world with me and Heritage Expeditions.

Go Slow

Go Slow

As travellers we have a decision to make, whether we want to take the time to immerse ourselves in new experiences or just tick destinations off a list. Photography is no different.

Stillness of the Mind

Stillness of the Mind

Stillness of mind is not merely about focusing your attention to the task at hand, it's about allowing your creative energy to flow unimpeded and to allow your life to be experienced in full. This moment right here is all that exists, now is all we have.