
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Seeing the World of Beauty

Seeing the World of Beauty

I'd rather immerse myself in what makes the world lovely instead of what makes me sad. Any day of the year is a good day for this.

Sharing the moment with Tim

Sharing the moment with Tim

I want to share a few words of appreciation for a fellow traveller, just one of many lovely people who help to make these journeys a little bit more special.

Snow Leopards in Tibet

Snow Leopards in Tibet

"The Velvet Queen" is a movie about much more than photographers and snow leopards. It's a call for all humans to connect with our true nature as creatures of the wild.

Gear is good - Vision is better

Gear is good - Vision is better

Wise words from David du Chemin have made this website something of a success story. David's nuggets of wisdom are liberally sprinkled across the PixelatedImage Blog, along with PDF e-books priced at just $5 each.

Wildflower Country

Wildflower Country

This is a wildflower book unlike any other, a photographic essay that makes full use of digital technology to present images that could never have been photographed on film. It's beautifully captured, wonderfully presented and reveals a passionate talent on the part of the authors.

Tshering and His Gift

Tshering and His Gift

That moment when you are reminded of the true value of travel and how deeply it affects us. As I look to the future of travel in Bhutan and the changes ahead for us we are reminded of how treasured it is to share a gift.

Telling a Story

Telling a Story

A picture tells a thousand words, but arranging those words into a coherent dialogue requires more than just technical skill and an eye for composition. Great images are those that tell the story, and more often than not they are born of the story.

The Perfect Camera Bag

The Perfect Camera Bag

Getting the right bag to cradle your kit is not easy. Comfort, space and security are hard to balance. For a decade I've travelled with one pack and one pack only. All that changed with the Flipside 300.

Documentary Vs Art

Documentary Vs Art

This discussion threads itself through almost every chapter of photographic philosophy I have ever written. It was time I wrote something directly on the topic. Where is the line between documentary and art and why does it matter?

Fiona and Sharon in Norway

Fiona and Sharon in Norway

The best thing about getting feedback from my travellers is the way it lets me re-live the moments from a journey. The 2020 Arctic Norway trip was really special because we had such a lovely group of people and so many great experiences. The weather was some of the least helpful we've ever had on a tour, and yet we still got exactly what we came for. The Aurora Borealis.

My Pocket Full of Stars

My Pocket Full of Stars

Capturing those moments that are rare, and making them last forever.

AI Is Not Your Friend

AI Is Not Your Friend

The lines between photography and digital art have never been more blurred. But what happens when you remove the role of photographer entirely?