Change Your Photography

An immersive 5-day experience to get you thinking differently about photography.

Tours & Workshops Aurora Workshops Food Photography


"Change Your Photography"

An immersive 5-day experience to get you thinking differently about photography.

Push back the boundaries to your photographic expression with an intensive weekend of ideas and challenges, with an emphasis on composition and curation. This workshop provides an exhaustive foundation on the basics and the conceptual, including a dozen game-changing ideas to reignite your creative process. Each day we present new ways to rethink your photography, and then go out to put those ideas into practice. At the end of the workshop you’ll have a whole new folio to showcase your skills.

Priced at AU$3880
Maximum group size of 8
Fully Inclusive
5 Days
Program, Accommodation & Meals
Single rooms for all participants
Discount for Couples
Daylesford Farmhouse Location

How To Book

Upcoming Dates
Private Groups Only

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Photography Schools and Camera Clubs are really great at providing structure when learning the craft of photography, but there often comes a point at which that very structure is what holds you back from achieving your full creative potential. Indeed the original name for this workshop was "What They Wont Tell You At Camera Club", because it's an intensive workshop designed to help you on the path to creativity, not conformity. This workshop will drag you out of the comfort zone and give you permission to find your own style. If you're ready to make a change, this is the workshop for you.

What We Cover

We guide you through an intensive program of presentation sessions, with lots of creative space so you can implement the workshop material.

  Start Doing It Different

  The Lens Problem

  Attitude is Essential

  Light is Everything

  Manipulating Light

  Room for Composition

  Curating & Expression

  Processing vs Printing

  Portrait of a Story

  The Fly Wheel

  Capturing with Purpose

  Creative vs Reactive

  Defining the Portrait

  Genres vs Cliches

  Black & White

  Reaching Your Full Potential

  Purpose and Voice

  Know your Audience

  How We Learn

  Documentary vs Art

5-Day Workshop

Immersive workshop with the works.

Daylesford Farmhouse Location

Maximum group size of 8.

Bring your camera. Bring a Laptop.

Open to anyone. Beginner or advanced.

Watch 30 seconds from the 2022 workshop in Portland...

Your Workshop Mentors

Ewen Bell

Workshop mentor since 2004. Photographer/Contributor for National Geographic USA, Food & Travel UK and Digital Photographer UK. Author of ReIMAGINE.

Shellie Froidevaux

Also known as @ironchefshellie, she is busy on the Melbourne food scene shooting recipes, cookbooks and lifestyle content for luxury hotels, wineries and restaurants.

Workshop Schedule

Daylesford Farmhouse

Day 1
10am Introduction Talk
11am Review Sessions
1pm Lunch
2pm Presentation on Composition + Diversity
4pm Photography Session
7pm Dinner

Day 2
8am Breakfast
9am Presentation on Light
11am Photography Session
1pm Lunch
2pm Presentation on Processing + Style
3pm Photography Session
7pm Dinner

Day 3
8am Breakfast
9am Presentation on Purpose + Art
11am Photography Session
1pm Lunch
2pm Presentation on Documentary + Learning
3pm Photography Session
7pm Dinner

Day 4
8am Breakfast
9am Presentation on Creative + Reactive
11am Photography Session
1pm Lunch
2pm Photography Session
4pm Final Folio Session
7pm Dinner

Day 5
8am Breakfast
9am Session on "The New Plan"
10am Departure from Farmhouse

Reviewing Your Work

The starting point for this workshop is a review process.

We intend to be very direct and very honest. This workshop is for people who are genuinely ready to change their photography. We're not here to puff anyone's ego, and we're not here to simply score some points. It doesn't matter how good your photography is, it only matters whether you want to make it better.

When you register for the workshop you'll be sent a welcome kit which outlines what we'd like you to prepare for the initial review session. It won't be onerous and can be completed online.

What's Included

Daylesford Farmhouse Location
Single rooms as standard
Discount for Couples or Twin Share

All Meals
Shellie will cook and care for all guests

Printing Sessions
Take your work home

Critical Review
We start with a review of your photography

Course program delivered by Ewen and Shellie


An intensive workshop that combines dedicated presentations with hands on shooting. Bring your talent into the light.

How to Book

Please fill out the registration form below. A non-refundable deposit of $1200 is required to confirm your place.

Once the deposit is received we'll have a chat about your camera gear and make sure you have everything you need for the workshop before you arrive, plus we'll send you details on how to prepare your review folio. If you're buying the workshop as a special present we can keep that a secret too!


A few words from
our recent
workshop participants

Gail M.
I just wanted to touch base with you again to reiterate how much the workshop changed my creative thinking. I have felt for a while that I lack a bit of creativity (my organised brain gets in the way) to take the next step in my photographic journey. Before this wekshop on the whole my photos were ok with composition, sharpness, tones etc but they were lacking a bit of ompf, a bit of additional creativity.

Your workshop certainly made me step outside my comfort zone and I was very pleased with the end results (although still lots to learn). Working with a 50mm lens and F2 all weekend (almost) seemed to change my thinking... I love that lens! The soft bokeh from using F2 changes the image so much.

I've still lots to learn, however I'm planning my photography outings with 'a story' in mind and the 50mmm hasn't been off my camera yet!

May 2022
Jenny C.
I was apprehensive about doing the workshop as I feel that I know so little and would be with others who were well down the track in their photographic journey. But I am so glad that I had the courage to attend and to learn from a great photographer, Ewen. Bruce was also such a support.

I did learn so much and will continue to learn – the workshop reignited my passion and as predicted by Ewen, I will never look at light the same way again! Thank you Ewen.

May 2022
Emma B.
I knew I needed to do your course and have been absolutely vindicated on the other side. It was really worthwhile and I sang all the way home! The straightforward steps of wide angle, diversity in the shot, looking into the light, autofocus and C settings will definitely take me on a new path. Plus it was fun hanging out with you all at Longmeadow and being nourished by beautiful Shellie.

My photography is an isolated pursuit (apart from my great clients) as I picked my camera back up when my third kiddo and now 8 year old was born, not really having any photographer friends or mentors. Now that I’m popping my head up again after almost two decades running my own businesses, combined with giving my all to my kids in early childhood, it was a fantastic reset to soak up your offering. I took quite a few photographs of my son in our kitchen this morning - seeing everything through a new lens. Literally!

May 2022
Janet S.
Coming to this workshop I was a relatively new user of the Lumix G9, and was excited at the prospect of exploring the camera & prime lenses as well as learning some new photographic styles & techniques.

Being in a room of enthusiastic photographers under the expert tuition of Ewen was fabulous. He provided so much information in our theory sessions and was always available to answer the dumbest of questions.

I came away with far more photographic knowledge and confidence in the use of my new gear with the added bonus of gaining a group of lovely new friends.

I experienced feelings at both ends of the spectrum; fun, discovery and satisfaction in capturing some special portraits of my team buddy. And, elation in finally being able to present the shots in a curated portfolio. At the other end of the spectrum: discomfort wth the assigned project; frustration in my ineptitude with process and particularly the with preferred software. I was totally challenged.

However, my photography, knowledge and use of my gear is better for the experience; I would definitely recommend this workshop. But be prepared…it is intense.

May 2022
Liane K.
Having done a few of Ewen’s workshops previously, I knew that the quality of the experience in all aspects would be really high and with Shellie onsite to look after the group, the food would be amazing and they did not disappoint. As a landscape photographer, I was curious to understand what a workshop without the travel would look like and the idea of sending a portfolio ahead of time was daunting… but this workshop was so impactful in so many ways.

It pushed me out of my comfort zone and taught me the power of having a story in my head before heading out to take what otherwise can end up being random photos; this has changed the way I think about photography. Ewen is such a talented photographer and a wonderful human and it comes through in spades in this workshop. He has some much to offer, which he freely shares with the group, and his feedback is direct and forthright, but delivered with a gentleness that allows you to really engage with it. I would recommend this workshop to anyone who wants to take their photography to a new level.

May 2022



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