Photographic Workshops

Creativity. Books. Food. Expression.
Online & Real Life.

Tours & Workshops Aurora Workshops Food Photography

"Change your game by changing your perspective. These workshops range from 4 hours to 4 days, delivered online or on location."

Food Photography Workshop

Open to professionals and amateurs alike.
4-Day workshop with the extraordinary and lovely Shellie Froidevaux.

Taste It

Expedition Workshops

Hand crafted workshops aboard the expedition ship Heritage Adventurer.
Inspiring journeys in Australia, Japan and Antarctica.

Let's Explore

Change Your Photography

5-day experience to get you thinking differently about photography. Find your own photographic style and expression.

Private Groups Only

Workshop Details

eBooks and Curation

A special online program run for camera clubs looking to
help their members achieve greater creativity and expression

Learn More

For over a decade I've been designing ground-breaking tours and workshops. I want my companions to achieve their best and share their joy through photography.


October 18 Photo Tour in Nepal15 daysOne Place Left
November 04 Ancient Annapurnas Photography Tour13 daysOne Place Left
December 18 Expedition Workshop – Sub-Antarctic Islands12 daysFully Booked
January 13 Polar Nights Aurora Workshop14 daysTwo Places Left
May 14 Expedition Workshop – Curating Japan16 daysBook with Heritage
June 27 Expedition Workshop – Kimberley Coast11 daysBook with Heritage
November 07 Photo Tour in Nepal15 daysThree Places Left
November 27 Bhutan Photography Tour15 daysThree Places Left
January 28 Polar Nights Aurora Workshop14 daysFour Places Left
May 08 Food Photography Workshop4 days
May 14 Expedition Workshop – Curating Japan16 daysDate TBC
June 27 Expedition Workshop – Kimberley Coast11 daysDate TBC
October 27 Photo Tour in Nepal15 days
November 13 Ancient Annapurnas Photography Tour13 days
December 12 Expedition Workshop – Sub-Antarctic Islands12 daysDate TBC

Read Feedback from our Travellers

We ask our guests to share a few words on their experiences
when they travel with us for a workshop or a tour.
Please have a read :)

Photography Tours with Ewen

Ewen Bell

Leading and designing tours since 2005. Experience is everything.

Editorial photographer, journalist and author of the book "ReIMAGINE". Ewen has spent over a decade running photo tours and workshops in Australia, the Arctic and Asia. Ewen will share his knowledge on any aspect of photography you wish to explore, from careers to cameras to salted caramel macarons.

Check out the Photo Tours

Here's a sample of some of our previous workshops, many of which are still possible to schedule for private groups:

  Flinders Ranges
  Laos for Foodies
  Agrarian Kitchen
  Laos Art of Monks

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