Gear is good - Vision is better
Wise words from David du Chemin have made this website something of a success story. David's nuggets of wisdom are liberally sprinkled across the PixelatedImage Blog, along with PDF e-books priced at just $5 each.
Swimming not Drifting
As the world changes around us, we need to decide if we are ready for change too.
About Feeling Good
Today we got some great news as we begin our journey towards funding the Tashi project. A generous donation from someone that helps to plug a few gaps in the budget, but also just makes us feel like we're on the right path.
Getting Out of Struggle Town
Even professionals get stuck in a rut sometimes, but with the benefit of a little inspiration we often find our way out again. On my latest journey through Nepal I found an old tool that helped me see things in a new way.
Half The Job
Taking a photo is only half the job. The other half is editing them. Join me on a visit to temples in the Annapurna Ranges and a chat about the creative potential and learning potential when editing your RAW files.
Last Minute Workshop
The recent lockdowns have caused havoc with our workshop schedule, but that might be good news if you're looking for a last minute slot on a truly wonderful workshop experience :) My brand new workshop concept is called "CHANGE YOUR PHOTOGRAPHY" and the name says it all.
Learning To See
Capturing in B+W is not merely about getting a better handle on light and dark. Given a chance it can drag you much deeper into the entire point of photography as an art form.
Micro Four Thirds meets Bokeh
What is the secret to getting maximum bokeh out of the Micro Four Thirds format? or any other MFT camera? Lets step deep into the beauty of bokeh and look at just how much of a full-frame look you can squeeze out of smaller sensors.
Taking it Offline
Online is necessary. Offline is essential.
Free Advice for New Beginnings
If you've suddenly found yourself in the freelance market, or have a very small business that needs to be online instead of on-site, then starting up a web presence is key to your future. I'm offering my time and expertise to help strangers get started on this journey. No charge, I just want to be helpful to other people who are struggling.
Don't Jump
A friend of mine was thinking of jumping ship recently, sending overboard his dreams of professional photography in favour of other challenges and loves. His experience gave me pause to consider why we take photos at all, and what can better motivate our creative work.
Learning to Love the Digital Darkroom
Not spending a little time processing your photos is the modern equivalent to collecting a bunch of prints from the chemist. If you’re not committing to process those RAW files then you’re only exploring half of their creative potential. The digital darkroom is where a world of possible interpretations can be brought to life.