
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
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Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Auroras Dont Come Easy

Auroras Dont Come Easy

Part of the charm of the Northern Lights is the very fact that they are not easy to capture. Hard enough to plan your travels to be at the right place at the right time, and even then you're often at the limits of your camera gear and your clothing.

Why Size Matters

Why Size Matters

Why does size matter when comparing image quality and will it make you a better photographer? The number of pixels and the physical dimensions of the sensor they're stuffed into can impact your final image in more ways than one.

New Life for EF Lenses

New Life for EF Lenses

Not only does the AF system on the LUMIX S5II deliver amazing results for native L-mount lenses, but the performance of EF lenses is exceptional to the point of giving Canon owners a legitimate upgrade path at an affordable price.

The Perfect Lens and Why They Dont Exist

The Perfect Lens and Why They Dont Exist

When it comes to lenses there is no such thing as one-size-fits-all. You have to try a lens before you know if it really suits you, and sometimes you grow out of the old one and move onto something new. just like us photographers, no lens is perfect.

Lumix GM5 in Bhutan

Lumix GM5 in Bhutan

On a trip to Bhutan with the smallest MFT system imaginable I was reminded that travel photography is about people not cameras. You don’t need a big system to travel around Bhutan, you just need a little heart.

Team Touit

Team Touit

Three lenses from the Zeiss factory offer professional grade fast primes for APS-C sized interchangeable formats.

Absolute Beginnings

Absolute Beginnings

Some of the fundamental issues that come up often when travellers ask me for help. What is a RAW file, what is ISO, why should I care about sensor size and how to control exposure metering.

Get Closer

Get Closer

The most recurring theme for a travel photographer is to seek to understand something about your subject before you photograph it. The first step is towards understanding is physically getting closer to your subject.

Lumix GX7 Review

Lumix GX7 Review

Hands on with the Lumix GX7 sets a new high mark for image quality and performance for shooting on a small sensor. Smaller, faster and smarter.



Landscape photography is a specialisation on its own. A demanding travel schedule puts limits on what you can practically achieve with landscapes, but just one really good image can bring a unique context to your destination set.

Auroras and The Lumix G9

Auroras and The Lumix G9

Big auroras with a very small camera. The key is choosing the right lens, something ultra wide and ideally with fully manual operation.

Art of Birds

Art of Birds

There are two distinct goals in my bird photography. The first is just to get a damned shot of the bird. The second is create a little art in the process. The two objectives are typically at odds with each other, yet one does follow the other.