
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
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Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Snow Leopards in Tibet

Snow Leopards in Tibet

"The Velvet Queen" is a movie about much more than photographers and snow leopards. It's a call for all humans to connect with our true nature as creatures of the wild.

Birds Are Hard

Birds Are Hard

Bird photography is hard because birds don't like humans most of the time. This is not so much a technical challenge, but one of finding your path to connect with nature. Let's delve into the art of walking around park and being snubbed by the birds.

Andris Envy

Andris Envy

The world is full of talented photographers but every now and then you see something that makes you truly humble. The limited edition trilogy of Fiordland books presented by Andris Apse is a unique offering filled with remarkable images. It also costs more than my 70-200mm lens.

Wildflower Country

Wildflower Country

This is a wildflower book unlike any other, a photographic essay that makes full use of digital technology to present images that could never have been photographed on film. It's beautifully captured, wonderfully presented and reveals a passionate talent on the part of the authors.

Jambo Tweet Jambo

Jambo Tweet Jambo

Some of the best game drives in Kenya are not actually about Lions and Leopards, but the very small creatures that bounce about between trees and shrubs. It was the bird life in Kenya that really took my breath away on my two week safari in Kenya.

Peter Henry Emerson

Peter Henry Emerson

I believe that all photography is art. As with all arts the medium in which it is expressed changes the ability of the artist to express themselves. 120 years ago another photographer named Peter Henry Emerson struggled with the truth about art and photography, and overlooked the beauty of his own work.



Working in a freelance career offers you an ocean of opportunity, but can equally erode your sense of belonging. Being part of something greater than yourself is not something you want to avoid as a freelancer, in fact it is essential to your success.

The Treasures of Angkor

The Treasures of Angkor

Millions of tourist visit Angkor Wat every year, and some days it feels like there's a million tourists flooding into the temple just when you were hoping to enjoy a quiet moment with the ancient ruins. Yes this is a popular place, but for photographers it still holds wonderful treasures and immense beauty.

Doing Our Best

Doing Our Best

Be Your Best Tours is the natural evolution of my experience in travel. Since 2004 I've been designing and delivering photographic journeys to discerning travellers. Now it's time to make room for people who are happy to leave the camera at home.

Great Ocean Road Photography

Great Ocean Road Photography

Images of this rugged coastline attracts international attention from travellers and photographers, but you don't have to be Ken Duncan to get a great shot. Taking your time to make the most of the inspiration at hand is one way to improve your pictures, the other is to take a professional with you.

Love is a Lens

Love is a Lens

Can you truly love your photography if you don't love your camera? It's the lenses I truly love however, that's where the character comes from.

Why the Ice is so Nice

Why the Ice is so Nice

A few tips on travelling south to Antarctica and how to get the most of your time in the freezer. The penguins are rock stars on such journeys, have no doubt, but it's the ice that makes it so nice in the southern polar regions.