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The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”

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The Photography Blog

How to get more people visiting your photographic website

How to get more people visiting your photographic website

Shooting lovely photographs is really the easy bit, it's getting people to see them on your website that is really hard. The best way to increase traffic to your website is to write an article on how to increase traffic to your website.

Life Without The Algorithm

Life Without The Algorithm

There's more to photography than being popular. Being genuine counts for something too. In the new frontier of the Fediverse the focus is on enjoying your craft instead of being crafted by the algorithm.

Do You Care About AI

Do You Care About AI

The fundamental differences between machine learning and human artistic expression is not something you can teach. It's something you have to experience. That's always going to be the bridge that AI cannot cross.

What Is A Photographer

What Is A Photographer

When so much of our lives exist in the digital landscape, what does it mean to be a photographer these days and does it matter if your work is never finding its way into a physically printed form?

Why Is More Important Than How

Why Is More Important Than How

Sometimes we focus too much on the style and not enough on substance. What motivates us to capture images is far important than the camera itself.

What Did We Learn From An Aurora Storm

What Did We Learn From An Aurora Storm

Once in twenty year event rocked the planet this week, creating a moment of opportunity to get out and capture auroras that would normally be out of reach. And for regular aurora chasers a chance to share the joy with a lot more of the planet than usual.

Blurb Restores Photography to Reality

Blurb Restores Photography to Reality

Blurb has been a wonderful development for me because now I can see more of my photographic expression converted to the printed media for which cameras were originally intended. The digital age has made photography more relevant and more accessible, but Blurb and other sites like it have returned digital photography to the essence of the art - sharing a printed image.

Slow It Down

Slow It Down

Walking with a macro is nice, but only works if you adjust your pace to suit the task. Macro photography is process of exploration. Slow it down. Slow. It. Down.

Free Advice for New Beginnings

Free Advice for New Beginnings

If you've suddenly found yourself in the freelance market, or have a very small business that needs to be online instead of on-site, then starting up a web presence is key to your future. I'm offering my time and expertise to help strangers get started on this journey. No charge, I just want to be helpful to other people who are struggling.

Every Little Step

Every Little Step

Every little step you make towards enriching the world we live in is worth while. You may not feel like you’re having a huge impact, but don’t stop trying.

AI Is Not Your Friend

AI Is Not Your Friend

The lines between photography and digital art have never been more blurred. But what happens when you remove the role of photographer entirely?

Why Auroras Look Different on The Camera

Why Auroras Look Different on The Camera

What your eyes see and what your camera sees are typically very different when it comes to the Aurora Borealis. Capturing the Northern lights on camera changes our entire perception of this phenomenon, and mostly for the better. Just a word of caution though if you're heading to the Arctic and expect to see those Photoshop colours with the naked eye.