street art

The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog

Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”

street art

The Photography Blog

Graffiti Thai

Graffiti Thai

Street Art is alive and well in Bangkok, offering a new perspective on the contemporary lives of the Thai people. It's also a fascinating opportunity for photographers looking for something besides yet another golden temple.

Panning for Gold in Kathmandu

Panning for Gold in Kathmandu

Panning is a simple way to kill an afternoon and make yourself exhausted. The concept is pretty simple: you use a slow shutter speed like 1/30 of a second to separate a moving object from a chaotic background. Hundreds of your shots will be useless. A rare few will be perfection. Those are the ones you show your friends.

Anything But Now

Anything But Now

The problem with living the life of a photographer is that you so rarely get a chance to live in the now. Everything is past or present and very little in between.

Soft Focus and Fine

Soft Focus and Fine

Shallow depth of field is a powerful technique to have in your creative tool kit. It’s not just about funky portraits either, it’s good for almost every genre of photography.

WrenFest in the City of Melbourne

WrenFest in the City of Melbourne

November is #WrenFest in the City of Melbourne, an event to help researchers attract support for identifying and submitting sightings of the Superb Fairy-wren in our urban parklands. I'll be running an online photography presentation that is open to anyone who wants to learn a little about birds and cameras, plus a photo walk for those living here in Melbourne.