Sharing the moment with Tim
I want to share a few words of appreciation for a fellow traveller, just one of many lovely people who help to make these journeys a little bit more special.
Really Photos
Nothing is as satisfying as seeing your photos printed on paper. They become real. Really real.
What Did We Learn From An Aurora Storm
Once in twenty year event rocked the planet this week, creating a moment of opportunity to get out and capture auroras that would normally be out of reach. And for regular aurora chasers a chance to share the joy with a lot more of the planet than usual.
Circles and The Camera
There's a deep irony in writing 1000 words on why images can elicit a deep emotional response. For those who want to know why I do what I do, in magazines and workshops, then please read on.
Norway Off The Dial
Trip report from our adventures in Arctic Norway. This year was an exceptional adventure and one we will treasure for a lifetime.
The Perfect Camera Bag
Getting the right bag to cradle your kit is not easy. Comfort, space and security are hard to balance. For a decade I've travelled with one pack and one pack only. All that changed with the Flipside 300.
Half The Job
Taking a photo is only half the job. The other half is editing them. Join me on a visit to temples in the Annapurna Ranges and a chat about the creative potential and learning potential when editing your RAW files.
Stillness of the Mind
Stillness of mind is not merely about focusing your attention to the task at hand, it's about allowing your creative energy to flow unimpeded and to allow your life to be experienced in full. This moment right here is all that exists, now is all we have.
Cruising for Albatross
A few days sailing the Southern Ocean is a journey that at first glance holds few photographic opportunities. But even in open waters the company of sea-birds and a reasonable telephoto lens can provide rich inspiration to the creative photographer.
Many Beginnings
Our first blog post from behind the scenes on our journey with Tashi to make a series about photography in the Himalayas. This is how it all began.
Ulanzi Travel Tripod Review
A lot of comparisons between the Ulanzi Zero Y Lightweight Travel Tripod and the Peak Design Travel Tripod focus on price and weight. But the Ulanzi model lacks the stability and rigor of the Peak Design original.
The Best Photo Tour in the World
I was recently asked to review a few photo tours run by other companies, and I was amazed at what I found. Crowded tours, poorly researched itineraries and part-time enthusiasts posing as professionals. It's hard enough to decide whether a group tour experience is suitable for you, so here's a few suggestions to help you pick a winner.