
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

Always Winter Light

Always Winter Light

The winter light is always changing. That’s what I love most about it. I love that it’s low on the horizon. I love that it’s softer and gentler than the burning light of summer. And I love that it moves so quickly, giving glimpses of gold in between the greys. Winter light is my favourite light.

Love is a Lens

Love is a Lens

Can you truly love your photography if you don't love your camera? It's the lenses I truly love however, that's where the character comes from.

Photography That Loves You Back

Photography That Loves You Back

It can sound so cliche when people talk of how their time in Nepal has “changed their lives”. But I cannot think of any photographer who visited the Himalayas and didn’t return home renewed with inspiration for their craft and humanity itself.

The Best 35mm Lens for My LUMIX

The Best 35mm Lens for My LUMIX

If you appreciate the value of a 35mm prime lens, you’ll also appreciate that there are a good many 35mm designs to choose from now. Here are my favourite two 35mm lenses from Panasonic and Sigma, both for full-frame L-Mount bodies, and why they appeal to such wildly different photographic styles.

Getting Out of Struggle Town

Getting Out of Struggle Town

Even professionals get stuck in a rut sometimes, but with the benefit of a little inspiration we often find our way out again. On my latest journey through Nepal I found an old tool that helped me see things in a new way.

Graffiti Thai

Graffiti Thai

Street Art is alive and well in Bangkok, offering a new perspective on the contemporary lives of the Thai people. It's also a fascinating opportunity for photographers looking for something besides yet another golden temple.

Sharing the moment with Tim

Sharing the moment with Tim

I want to share a few words of appreciation for a fellow traveller, just one of many lovely people who help to make these journeys a little bit more special.

Pack for Success

Pack for Success

Finding the right balance between quality and flexibility when packing for a shoot. Once we leave the studio, the world becomes a very different place to chase cinematic captures.

Micro Four Thirds meets Bokeh

Micro Four Thirds meets Bokeh

What is the secret to getting maximum bokeh out of the Micro Four Thirds format? or any other MFT camera? Lets step deep into the beauty of bokeh and look at just how much of a full-frame look you can squeeze out of smaller sensors.

Photographers on a Plane

Photographers on a Plane

How many full frame DSLR cameras can you load onto an airliner before it just can't take off and fly?

Circles and The Camera

Circles and The Camera

There's a deep irony in writing 1000 words on why images can elicit a deep emotional response. For those who want to know why I do what I do, in magazines and workshops, then please read on.

One is never enough

One is never enough

What went on in Hobart and why food photography is more than just another gig.