
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog
Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

The Part For The Angels

The Part For The Angels

Leaving room in your photography for the imperfections and the flaws is a nice thing to do. When we strive for a perfect image, we leave little room for the magic to happen.

The Angle of Light

The Angle of Light

Cameras don't photograph objects, they photograph light. The key to shooting images that capture the moment is to let the light guide your photography.



Landscape photography is a specialisation on its own. A demanding travel schedule puts limits on what you can practically achieve with landscapes, but just one really good image can bring a unique context to your destination set.

Go Slow

Go Slow

As travellers we have a decision to make, whether we want to take the time to immerse ourselves in new experiences or just tick destinations off a list. Photography is no different.

Love is a Lens

Love is a Lens

Can you truly love your photography if you don't love your camera? It's the lenses I truly love however, that's where the character comes from.

Keeping The Lights On

Keeping The Lights On

One of the great advantages of shooting with flash is you can dial-up the lighting you require any time of day, or night. It’s a seriously big advantage over natural light, consistency and quality. For the last few months we have set aside our usual flash rig for something a little bit different. Continuous LED lighting is here, and it might just be useful.

Learning to Love the Digital Darkroom

Learning to Love the Digital Darkroom

Not spending a little time processing your photos is the modern equivalent to collecting a bunch of prints from the chemist. If you’re not committing to process those RAW files then you’re only exploring half of their creative potential. The digital darkroom is where a world of possible interpretations can be brought to life.



Working in a freelance career offers you an ocean of opportunity, but can equally erode your sense of belonging. Being part of something greater than yourself is not something you want to avoid as a freelancer, in fact it is essential to your success.

The Treasures of Angkor

The Treasures of Angkor

Millions of tourist visit Angkor Wat every year, and some days it feels like there's a million tourists flooding into the temple just when you were hoping to enjoy a quiet moment with the ancient ruins. Yes this is a popular place, but for photographers it still holds wonderful treasures and immense beauty.

When The Stars Come Out

When The Stars Come Out

Photographing the night sky is easier than you think, provided you can find the darkest of nights and stay away from city lights.

Get Closer

Get Closer

The most recurring theme for a travel photographer is to seek to understand something about your subject before you photograph it. The first step is towards understanding is physically getting closer to your subject.

Bangkok for Photographers

Bangkok for Photographers

Bangkok is a big city that evokes an immediate reaction from visitors, usually a polarised preference somewhere between heaven and horror. For photographers Bangkok is a challenge of chaos and confusion. My advice is to simply slow down.