
The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog

Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”


The Photography Blog

The Original

The Original

Taking a photo is literally the act of copying an original. My career is a little like that too, I owe everything to somebody. Today I’m digging a little deeper and practising some gratitude for the community around me that has made my world a wonderfully creative place.

Capture One Turns Five

Capture One Turns Five

It often surprises my travellers to learn that I don't use Lightroom to process my RAW files. I don't use Aperture either. My choice might seem eclectic at first but my loyalty to Capture One has rewarded me many times over. Find out how.

Viltrox EF-L Pro - Quick Review

Viltrox EF-L Pro - Quick Review

For extra stability and good compatibility, this EF-L adaptor plays nicely with the latest LUMIX bodies and older EF lenses.

Make The Custom Dial Work For You

Make The Custom Dial Work For You

One of the most powerful features on any Lumix G or S series camera is the custom dial. C1 and beyond. This is a short primer to put you in control of the custom settings, and start working your own baseline towards better captures.

Custom Settings for the LUMIX G9II

Custom Settings for the LUMIX G9II

I've prepared an outline of my custom setup for the LUMIX G9II, plus a copy of my settings ready to download to your camera and customise for your own needs. A great way to get started and try some of the various features built into this amazing little MFT body.

How To Be Creative With Your Camera

How To Be Creative With Your Camera

There's a tension between mastering technical control of your camera versus exploring your own creative potential. How much technical focus do you actually need to pursue a creative path in photography?

The Angle of Light

The Angle of Light

Cameras don't photograph objects, they photograph light. The key to shooting images that capture the moment is to let the light guide your photography.

Into The Light

Into The Light

Nothing excites my creative eye more than pointing a lens directly into the sun late in the afternoon. Capturing the shafts, shimmy and seduction of light as it flares across the lens is the stuff of magic.

Ulanzi Travel Tripod Review

Ulanzi Travel Tripod Review

A lot of comparisons between the Ulanzi Zero Y Lightweight Travel Tripod and the Peak Design Travel Tripod focus on price and weight. But the Ulanzi model lacks the stability and rigor of the Peak Design original.

Learning to Love the Digital Darkroom

Learning to Love the Digital Darkroom

Not spending a little time processing your photos is the modern equivalent to collecting a bunch of prints from the chemist. If you’re not committing to process those RAW files then you’re only exploring half of their creative potential. The digital darkroom is where a world of possible interpretations can be brought to life.

Stars Over Uluru

Stars Over Uluru

I've written a few articles on the basics of star trails, but the finer details on making your trails look as lovely as possible are often where photographers struggle the most. This article explores the finer points from my annual visit to Uluru to chase the stars.

Get Sorted

Get Sorted

As a bonus for my readers we have Paul Dymond as guest writer on the virtues and challenges of Cataloguing Software, also known as Digital Asset Management (DAM). I’ve put on my editing cap for this article, having asked Paul “What is DAM and why should we care about it?” Step into the world of cataloguing and keywords in order to make the most of your digital collection.