Elliott Erwitt

The Photography Blog

The Photography Blog

Photographic Field Guides
Practical Philosophies
Careers and Ideas
Good Gear
Inspiring Journeys
Inspiration and information to help you make the most of your photographic journey”

Elliott Erwitt

The Photography Blog

The Tao of Photography

The Tao of Photography

Will the real Confucian author please stand up? This wonderful title has been borrowed, copied and stolen by more people than Google knows what to do with. There are two stand out books sharing the same title that are truly worthy of contemplation however.

Outside Looking In

Outside Looking In

One way to improve your photography is to study the work of other photographers. Another way is to study your own. Rummaging through the collected works of master photographers is not an exercise in distilling the essence of someone else's work, but a chance to learn new ways to express yourself.

Telling a Story

Telling a Story

A picture tells a thousand words, but arranging those words into a coherent dialogue requires more than just technical skill and an eye for composition. Great images are those that tell the story, and more often than not they are born of the story.